Top 5 Camping Destinations in South Africa

Experience the Beauty of the Wild with These Unforgettable Campsites

Top 5 Camping Destinations in South Africa
Top 5 Camping Destinations in South Africa
Top 5 Camping Destinations in South Africa
Top 5 Camping Destinations in South Africa

South Africa offers a different range of camping knowledge, from primeval marshy spots to rough forest fields. Here are the top 5 camping goals in the country:

  1. Kruger National Park : Kruger is a realm-famous being church, and camping present specifies an real bushveld happening. You can pitch your canvas or park your mobile home in individual of the park's many rest camps, hearing to the sounds of lions and hyenas each evening.

2. Table Mountain National Park : This park, including the emblematic Table Mountain, offers various campsites. The most common is the Silvermine Tented Camp, place you can love awesome views of the Cape Peninsula while being nearly exploring trails.

3. Golden Gate Highlands National Park : Nestled in the Drakensberg Mountains, this park countenance wonderful rock formed from sediment cliffs and offers miscellaneous campsites. The Glen Reenen Rest Camp is a favorite, accompanying marching trails and plentiful being.

4. Tsitsikamma National Park : Located ahead the Garden Route, Tsitsikamma offers marshy camping. The Storms River Mouth Rest Camp is an wonderful choice, accompanying shore sites and approach to the legendary Otter Trail.

5. Augrabies Falls National Park : Known for allure exciting cascade, this park in the Northern Cape offers singular desert camping happenings. The main rest camp has campsites disregarding the Orange River and the falls.

Remember to book well earlier, as these sites can add to fast, particularly all along peak seasons. South Africa's different countrysides and being manage a great goal for camping lovers pursuing memorable rustic exploits.