Ao Tribe: Rich Cultural Heritage and Celebrations in Nagaland

Prominent Naga family, Ao's rich cultural tradition, vivid festivals, plateau cultivation, colorful sounds that are pleasant, harmonized, and blend of beliefs.

Ao Tribe: Rich Cultural Heritage and Celebrations in Nagaland

The Ao family is individual of the big Naga tribes enduring in the northeastern state of Nagaland, India. They generally locate the neighborhoods of Mokokchung and parts of Tuensang. The Ao people have a rich enlightening tradition and are popular for their apparent customs, established practices, and interesting celebrations.

Language: The Ao accent, also known as "Tenyidie," is uttered apiece Ao family. It belongs to the Tibeto-Burman word family and has various slangs.

Traditional Attire: The usual attire of Ao fathers includes a sleeveless coat named "Lo," used over a silver top and a "Longpensu" (headgear). Women wear a bathing suit ensemble popular as "Mhoushu."

Agriculture: Agriculture is the main seizure of the Ao family. They practice terrace education, increasing crops to a degree edible grain, maize, millets, and vegetables.

Festivals: The Ao family parties miscellaneous celebrations with enthusiasm. The "Moatsu Festival" is ultimate main land celebration, held in early May to inquire approvals for a abundant harvest. "Tsungremong" and "Tokhu Emong" are added significant celebrations.

Music and Dance: The Ao crowd have a rich lyrical idea. The usual musical mechanisms contain the record beat "Tati" and bamboo mouth organ "Yankhum." They act colorful family waltz during celebrations and enlightening occurrences.

Social Structure: The Ao people is organized into families, and the center body plays a critical role hesitation-making. They attend a self-governing order with a "center chief" and "suburb conclave authority."

Religion: The Ao tribe attends miscellaneous inborn ideas and practices animism. However, with the meeting of Christian evangelists, a important portion of the Ao community embraced Christianity.

The Ao family's elasticity, enlightening pride, and obligation to preserving their tradition have donated to their similarity as a outstanding Naga tribe, reveal the variety and copiousness of India's northeastern domain