Overview of Main Types of Taxes in India: From Income Tax to GST and More
Key taxes in India: Income Tax, GST, Corporate Tax, Customs Duty, Excise Duty, Service Tax, VAT, STT, Property Tax.

In India, skilled are various types of taxes set apiece main and state governments to produce profit for public payment and enlightening projects. Here are few of the main types of taxes in India:
1. Income Tax: This is a direct tax imposed on the earnings scored by things, trades, and different individuals. It is established the gains plate rates appropriate to various proceeds levels.
2. Goods and Services Tax (GST): Introduced in 2017, GST is an tax on goods or services that dislodged miscellaneous roundabout taxes in the way that excise charge, help tax, VAT, and so forth. It is a use-located tax used to the supply of merchandise and aids.
3. Corporate Tax: This tax is appropriate to guests and enterprises on their profits and revenue. The rate changes established the type and capacity of the system.
4. Customs Duty: It is a tax assessed on merchandise exotic into or exported from India. The rate is established the type of merchandise and the duties excise schedule.
5. Excise Duty: This tax is dictated on the result or produce of merchandise inside the country. It is usually imposed on merchandise to a degree intoxicating, cigarette, oil output, and automobiles.
6. Service Tax: Before the exercise of GST, aid tax was assessed on sure particularized aids determined by aid providers.
7. Value Added Tax (VAT): It is an tax on goods or services assessed by state governments on the auction of merchandise inside their particular regions. VAT rates change across states.
8. Securities Transaction Tax (STT): This tax is set on undertakings including bonds to a degree stocks, shared capital, and products.
9. Property Tax: Levied by local concerning cities physique, charge on what is owned is set on the property of feature, containing property and buildings for sale.
These are just any models of the miscellaneous taxes in India. The tax scheme is liable to be subjected changes, and rates can change established administration procedures and managing. It is essential for taxpayers to stay amended accompanying new tax regulations and supplyings.