Top 5 Places to Visit in Tahiti Island

A guide to the must-see attractions on this beautiful island paradise

Top 5 Places to Visit in Tahiti Island

The top 5 locations in Tahiti Island are as follows:

1. The Papeete

The main city on the island and capital of Tahiti is Papeete. Visitors will find this lively, multicultural city to have a lot to offer.

Activities in Papeete:

Take a look at the Papeete Market: Experience Tahitian culture and shop for fresh food, trinkets, and other items at this bustling market.

Discover the downtown area: The city center has a lot of stores, eateries, and pubs. It's a fantastic spot to people-watch as well.

Go to the Tahiti et des Îles Museum: A variety of objects and displays that narrate the history and culture of Tahiti are housed at this museum.

Go to the lagoon by boat: Numerous boat companies provide boat rides to the lagoon so that you may dive, snorkel, and swim.

2. Moorea

Moorea is a tiny island that can be reached from Papeete with a quick ferry journey. It is renowned for having stunning beaches, verdant jungles, and glistening waterways.

Activities in Moorea:

Go to the Belvedere Lookout Point: Beautiful views of the island and the surrounding lagoon may be seen from this viewing point.

Ascending Mount Tohivea by foot: As Moorea's highest point, this mountain provides even more breathtaking vistas.

Cook's Bay: swim and snorkel: This area is well-known for having a wealth of marine life and tranquil waters.

Go to the Dolphin Center in Moorea** Visitors can swim with and interact with dolphins at this facility.


On Tahiti's southern shore lies a little town called Teahupo'o. Large waves are its specialty, drawing surfers from all over the world.

Activities in Teahupo'o:

 Take note of the surfers: Seeing the pros surf at Teahupo'o is worth the trip, even if you're not a surfer.

 Learn how to surf:Teahupo'o is home to several surf schools that provide instruction for all skill levels.

Take a look at the Arahoho Blowhole: This blowhole, which is close to Teahupo'o on the coast, sends water skyward during large waves.

Unwind on the beach: Teahupo'o offers several lovely beaches for unwinding and sunbathing.

4. Venus Point

On Tahiti's east coast is a little peninsula called Pointe Venus. It is renowned for both its breathtaking scenery and historical significance.

Activities in Pointe Venus:

See the Venus Transit Monument: This monument honors the Venus transit of 1769, which Captain James Cook and his company witnessed.

 Explore the Gardens Botanical: Many different types of plants and flowers from around the globe can be found in this botanical garden.

Enjoy the following views: Beautiful views of the neighboring mountains and the ocean are available from Pointe Venus.

5. Waterfalls at Faarumai

In Tahiti's interior lies a group of waterfalls known as the Faarumai Waterfalls. They are a well-liked location for picnics, hiking, and swimming.

Activities at the Faarumai Waterfalls:

Relax in the pools beneath the cascades:  The water in the pools is crystal clear and soothing.

 Ascend to the waterfall's summit: Although the trek is difficult, the rewards at the summit are priceless.

 Enjoy a picnic: Near the waterfalls, there are several picnic spots where you can have a meal or a snack.

These are only a handful of the numerous locations in Tahiti that you may see. Tahiti is a dream come true for tourists of all ages and interests, with its breathtaking scenery, verdant jungles, and pristine oceans.