DIY Face Ubtan: Natural Beauty for Glowing Skin

Crafting Your Own Homemade Ubtan Recipe for a Radiant Complexion

DIY Face Ubtan: Natural Beauty for Glowing Skin
DIY Face Ubtan: Natural Beauty for Glowing Skin
DIY Face Ubtan: Natural Beauty for Glowing Skin

Homemade Ubtan for Face:

Ubtan is a established Indian advantage remedy famous for allure organic and skin-healthful features. Making your own ubtan at home is smooth and economical. Here's a natural formula for a made in the home ubtan for the face in 250 conversation or less:

1. Chickpea crush into fine grains (Besan) - 2 tablespoons
2. Turmeric powder - 1/2 teaspoon
3. Sandalwood powder - 1/2 teaspoon
4. Raw milk or yogurt - 2 tablespoons
5. Rosewater - 1 tablespoon
6. Honey - 1 teaspoon (possible)
7. Almond powder - 1 tablespoon (possible)

1. In a clean bowl, integrate 2 tablespoons of chickpea crushing (besan) and 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric powder. Chickpea crushing helps peel dead skin containers, while turmeric is famous for allure antagonistic-instigative and skin-enlivening features.

2. Add 1/2 teaspoon of sandalwood powder to the combination. Sandalwood has a comforting effect on the skin and helps in carrying out an even appearance.

3. Gradually burden 2 tablespoons of inexperienced milk or yogurt to form a dense glue. These buttery pieces supply hydration and help claim skin's open pH balance.

4. For additional benefits, you can involve 1 teaspoon of sweet. Honey has completely clean features and can advance a immature glow.

5. Finally, adjoin 1 tablespoon of sentimental to the combination. Rosewater helps strength and stimulate the skin while giving a friendly smell.

6. If you have almond powder convenient, you can increase 1 tablespoon for allure skin-healthful possessions.

7. Mix all the factors fully to forge a smooth and uniform glue. Adjust the regularity by adjoining more milk or chickpea crushing if wanted.

To Use:
1. Before asking the ubtan, wash your face to kill some composition or contaminations.

2. Apply the ubtan proportionately to your face and narrow connector, preventing analysis extent.

3. Allow it to dry for about 15-20 proceedings.

4. Gently cancel your face in a circular motion while rinsing it off accompanying tepid water. This will peel your skin and leave it impression replenished.

5. Pat your face dry accompanying a clean swab and make inquiries accompanying your routine lotion.

Using this made in the home ubtan constantly can help enliven your appearance, develop skin fabric, and present you a organic, active glow. Remember commotion a allergy test first if you have delicate skin, and give up use if you happening some sensitivity. Enjoy your bright skin!